Contact : othman.bouizi@intel.com
Contact : contact@namr.com / recrutement@namr.com
Contact : armen.aghasaryan@nokia-bell-labs.com
The success of the 2017 Data Science Summer School imprinted our memories. The organization of a new version for 2018 appears to be an obvious one: get together to exchange, share and discover the latest advances in the field.
The Second Data Science Summer School will take place from June, 25 to June, 29, 2018 at the Polytechnique Campus in Palaiseau. Internationally renowned professors will succeed each other. On this occasion, the participants from the academic and professional worlds will be able to easily exchange ideas and the meeting of different but complementary know-how will allow to reflect on the new challenges raised by data sciences, and possible solutions will have a chance to emerge.
Courses on the first 3 days, exhibition, poster sessions and cocktails will be held at Ecole polytechnique.
The in-depth tutorials with practical sessions on day 4 and 5 will take place at Ecole polytechnique and DATAIA Institute.
Exhibition area will be set-up during the first 3 days in the Grand Hall of the Ecole polytechnique near the main amphitheater. The number of exhibition booths will be limited to 10.